.. include:: ../links.inc Most-used classes ----------------- The main objects offer efficient communication with numerical streams. Stream ~~~~~~ A ``Stream`` uses an `MNE `_-like API to efficiently interacts with a numerical stream. ``Stream`` objects inherit from the abstract object :class:`~mne_lsl.stream.BaseStream`. .. currentmodule:: mne_lsl.stream .. autosummary:: :toctree: ../generated/api :nosignatures: StreamLSL EpochsStream ~~~~~~~~~~~~ An ``EpochsStream`` can be used to create epochs from a ``Stream``. .. currentmodule:: mne_lsl.stream .. autosummary:: :toctree: ../generated/api :nosignatures: EpochsStream Player ~~~~~~ A ``Player`` can mock a real-time stream from any `MNE `_ readable file. .. currentmodule:: mne_lsl.player .. autosummary:: :toctree: ../generated/api :nosignatures: PlayerLSL